WFN Strategies’ Managing Director, Wayne Nielsen, was featured in the November issue of Oil Review Middle East Magazine entitled, “A Closer Look at Communications Costs.”

Written by staff writer, Vaughan O’Grady, the article suggests that fiber, satellite, microwave and even 4G mobile connectivity choices offshore are greater than ever for rigs, platforms and vessels, but also that the oil price decline has meant companies want value for money, too. O’Grady opines:

With fibre connectivity, more than any other approach, come major safety and efficiency bonuses. As Nielsen explains, “When you make the step to fibre, it opens up videoconferencing. It opens up taking people off the platform and having them sit in an office back onshore where it’s a lot cheaper,” and, of course, safer… Fibre connectivity is falling in price, though not at the same speed as oil revenue. However, says Nielsen, it’s still good value because “the actual throughputs we can do with fibre today versus 15 years ago are magnitudes higher.”

O’Grady concludes that where fiber is available, satellite will not be the first telecoms choice due to latency.

The November issue of Oil Review Middle East Magazine can be viewed at


About Oil Review Middle East Magazine:

Oil Review Middle East ( is the region’s leading oil and gas magazine. Published eight times a year, it covers the exploration and production, upstream and downstream petroleum industry from the Gulf Corporation Council states and Iran to North Africa and the Caspian. Each issue contains industry news, country reports, sector surveys, technical feature articles, exhibition and conference previews and news of the latest industry developments and product launches. A combination of authoritative and well-respected editorial content and an unrivalled circulation throughout the Gulf and North Africa ensure it is the magazine of choice among the industry’s advertisers.


About WFN Strategies:

WFN Strategies ( designs, engineers and implements submarine optical cable systems for commercial, governmental and Oil & Gas clients –utilizing repeatered and unrepeatered technologies; systems have been transoceanic, regional, or festoon in scope. WFN Strategies has been involved with all aspects of implementing telecommunications systems and Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) – from feasibility studies through capital budgeting – to engineering, purchasing, and installation – to commissioning and testing. Its work has significant reach, enhancing the national security, economic well-being, and health and safety of citizens around the world. It has provided telecoms support worldwide for government and NGO projects in Antarctica, the Arctic, Caribbean, Middle East, and USA.