WFN Strategies to Support Landmark Arctic EAUFON Cable Route Survey for Kativik

WFN Strategies has been awarded a contract by the Kativik Regional Government to provide cable route survey support for the EAUFON cable system.WFN Strategies Press Release
July 26, 2018

Plans are underway for the first system to one of Canada’s most isolated regions.

Sterling, Virginia – WFN Strategies has been awarded a contract by the Kativik Regional Government to provide cable route survey support for the proposed Eastern Arctic Undersea Fibre Optic Network (EAUFON) submarine telecoms cable system linking multiple towns and village in the Kativik region of Canada.

“We are excited to be working again with the Kativik Regional Government in support of this significant submarine cable project, as well as developing a new system in the Arctic environment,” said Wayne Nielsen, WFN Strategies managing director.  “We look forward to supporting KRG in its goal of enhancing connectivity to the Canadian Arctic.”

The EAUFON submarine cable will have landing points at multiple Inuit and non-Inuit communities in Canada’s Kativik region, located in northern Quebec. It has an initial Ready For Service date of 2020 with possible extensions planned subsequently.

Initial work is already underway to expedite the process to have the route survey completed during the 2018 open water season.  This result of the route survey is intended to be used for the eventual construction of such a cable system to serve the needs of the communities for the next several decades.

About WFN Strategies:

WFN Strategies ( is an ISO 9001:2015 certified designer and implementer of submarine fiber cable systems for commercial, governmental and oil & gas companies throughout the world. WFN Strategies designs, engineers and implements submarine optical cable systems for commercial, governmental and oil and gas clients, which have utilized repeatered and unrepeatered technologies, and have been transoceanic, regional, or festoon in scope. WFN Strategies has been involved with all aspects of implementing telecommunications systems and Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) – from feasibility studies through capital budgeting to engineering, purchasing, and installation to commissioning and testing. 

About Kativik Regional Government:

The Kativik Regional Government ( was created in 1978 pursuant to the James Bay and Northern Québec Agreement to deliver public services to Nunavimmiut. Many of the KRG’s responsibilities are stipulated in the Act respecting Northern Villages and the Kativik Regional Government (Kativik Act). Other mandates have been delegated to the KRG by the region’s municipalities and the Québec government. The Kativik Regional Government also has the important task of delivering technical assistance to the 14 Northern villages regarding management and municipal accounting, land use planning and development, legal affairs, engineering and public transit, to name but a few fields.