WFN Strategies to Speak at InfraGard National Disaster Resilience Council on Critical Infrastructure Resilience
WFN Strategies Press Release
November 5, 2019
WASHINGTON, DC — WFN Strategies will be speaking about submarine cable resilience at the InfraGard National Disaster Resilience Council workshop and summit on critical infrastructure on 20-21 November 2019 in Washington, DC.
WFN Strategies’ Managing Director, Wayne Nielsen, with other speakers and attendees of national prominence, will be addressing national awareness and policy related to submarine cables.
On Wednesday, 20 November from 8:30am to 5:00pm, workshop panels will discuss resilience and how to provide information to Congress and internal NDRC items. At the 1:00pm afternoon workshop, Wayne Nielsen will be sharing his thoughts on submarine cables on a Resilience Panel alongside Steve Cauffman (Department of Homeland Security), Richard Marshall (former Director of DHS Cyber Security) and Dr. Adam Schultz (Oregon State University & NSF Earthscope Program).
“It is vital that the nation’s critical infrastructures are resilient and prepared for major disasters,” said Wayne Nielsen, WFN Strategies Managing Director. “WFN Strategies is incredibly honored to support InfraGard NDRC who addresses high-impact threats that can cause long-term nationwide collapse of critical infrastructure, including any combination of electromagnetic pulse, extreme space weather, cyber-attacks, coordinated physical attacks or widespread pandemics.”
The event will be held at the US Headquarters of the National Guard Association and details are provided at:
Workshop –
Summit –
About InfraGard National Disaster Resilience Council:
InfraGard ( is an FBI sponsored non-profit association of individuals interested in the security of critical infrastructure. The NDRC fosters information sharing that promotes the mitigation of these threats including assisting local communities to enhance their own sustainability by developing secure local infrastructure capacity from areas as diverse as communications, local power generation and storage to local food production.
About WFN Strategies
WFN Strategies ( is an ISO 9001:2015 certified designer and implementer of submarine fiber cable systems for commercial, governmental and oil & gas companies throughout the world, as well as 2019 recipient of the President’s “E” Award for Exports, the highest recognition any American entity can receive for making a significant contribution to export expansion. WFN Strategies designs, engineers and implements submarine optical cable systems for commercial, governmental and oil & gas clients, which have utilized repeatered and unrepeatered technologies, and have been transoceanic, regional, or festoon in scope. WFN Strategies has been involved with all aspects of implementing telecommunications systems and Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) – from feasibility studies through capital budgeting to engineering, purchasing, and installation to commissioning & testing.