Welcome to Issue 116, our Global Outlook edition.
January 19, 2021
For the past 35 years save one I would be well on my way to Honolulu by now. I would have probably already had a good days diving, probably would have hiked Diamond Head crater, probably would have a couple Waikiki runs under my belt, as well as a few Mai Tais. But this year we find ourselves still adapting as necessary to the reality we have all lived for the last 11 months or so.
But it is also a new year with new possibilities. I take heart that inoculations around the world have begun in earnest. Thankfully, we are starting to see a glimpse of the new world in store. And it is coming not a moment too soon…
We have had to make a few changes to the office lately. Schools here in Virginia like so many other places have had to close anew and the “hybrid” model of parttime in/out of the classroom has become 100% distance learning. We expect to be living DL for the next month or so, which impacts the teachers working from home in my extended family, as well as our school age grandchildren.
So, we started “schooling” my granddaughter recently for two days a week. On Wednesdays and Fridays, we have her here in one of the offices with math, reading and even PE instruction coming from her laptop. She and a bunch of 5- and 6-year-olds are connected to their teacher who miraculously keeps their attention for 50 minutes at a clip, all the while teaching them their numbers and letters.
This week while the rest of our folks were finalizing a monster project, I took the opportunity to spring my granddaughter from the office during her morning break, and the two of us took a long walk on the paths outside our building. I have wanted to walk and clear my head in the past, but the time never seemed right. On the way back my granddaughter started counting in time with our cadence and by the time we reached the door we hit the magic number, 100, which I was informed was by far the biggest number she had ever tallied.
There are a number of things I never want to repeat from 2020 but having time like this has been a godsend.
Wayne Nielsen
To read the rest of Issue #116 of SubTel Forum, please click here.