I’m not one of the oldsters; my first SubOptic was only at Versailles in 1993 – with my family in tow.

In those days the exhibitors were relegated to a large tent outside the main proceedings.  The technical papers were presented somewhere else, and because I pulled booth duty, I don’t recall attending any of those sessions.

I do remember, however, attending the extraordinary evening fetes, and they were really something to appreciate; cocktails in La Louvre compliments of AT&T SSI, and a private baroque concert in Marie Antoinette’s chapel thanks to ASN.  My family and I had an amazing time in Versailles and most of the other SubOptics that followed, and at later conferences, I was even allowed to deliver a paper or poster or trophy.

Here we come to the next outstanding SubOptic venue, Dubai, which promises to be yet another important and memorable event.  I’m not sure yet if I will be pulling booth duty, but I do know at a minimum I get to enjoy my progenies’ first SubOptic poster presentation, which seems even more fitting years after my own first such session.

So, if you plan on attending SubOptic, please look me up; I’ll either be the guy complaining about his tired feet, or the one behind the camera.

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