Welcome to Issue 123, our Finance & Legal edition!

March 23, 2022


Having grown up during the Cold War and being old enough to remember air raid drills in elementary school, like most I never dreamed our world would see the last month or so.

After all I work in an industry, which is all about increasing communication between disparate peoples. We have put in cables to just about everywhere; people a generation ago who could only dream of electricity are today enjoying the benefits of broadband connectivity to the world over.

Today we are learning new rules, or maybe just relearning old ones.

But we are all seeing things never before in real time because of the technologies we created, and as a result a community of resistance to autocracy, both internal and afar, has been formed.

And this resistance has taken many forms – from direct military and humanitarian aid to daily prayers from the world’s faith communities.

Singer Songwriter John Ondrasik of Five For Fighting recently wrote:

“Who is this comedian / His audience more mice than men / This Superman Ukrainian / I don’t know. Great grandson of the Holocaust / An Eastern heart the West has lost / Nail or carry up his cross / I don’t know.

But he’s got everyone thinking / Yeah, he’s got all of us thinking… / Can one man save the world? / In a thousand years will they say your name? / Or is this all in vain? / Can one man save the world?

Will you take my hand? / Will you help me stand? / Still in the end… / Can one man save the world?”

I suspect the world will need to readdress the international rules of law when this is finally behind us. How the world will look on that day is still to be written.


Thank you to the excellent Authors who have contributed to this edition!

Thanks also for their support to this issue’s advertisers: APTProcure, Ellalink and Southern Cross. Of course, our ever popular “where in the world are all those pesky cableships” is included as well.

Thank you as always to our readers and supporters for honoring us with your interest.

Lastly, and borrowing from a LinkedIn connection much more eloquent than me – In a world full of Putins, be a Zelenskyy. #Ukraine

Stay well,


Wayne Nielsen, Publisher

To read the rest of Issue #123 of SubTel Forum, please click here