WFN Strategies Press Release
October 27, 2020
The Nzadi Consortium, the developer of the Nzadi Cable System Project, and WFN Strategies, a leading submarine cable planning, engineering and implementation firm, have jointly announced the commencement of the Nzadi Cable System Project.
Luanda, Angola and Sterling, Virginia USA – The Nzadi Consortium, a developer of the Nzadi Cable System Project, and WFN Strategies, a leading submarine cable engineering firm, have jointly announced the commencement of the Nzadi Cable project, which will be implemented in waters offshore Angola.
The Nzadi Cable System will comprise a main trunk cable from Luanda to Cabinda in Angola with a Branching Unit for future connection to Soyo, as well as potential system northward expansion to both the Republic of Congo and Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Nzadi Cable System will consist of a high fiber count up to 14 fiber pairs and will connect some 15 to 30 offshore energy assets. The Ready For Service date of the Nzadi Cable System is 4th Quarter 2023.
WFN Strategies will act as the project planner, designer and implementer, establishing an initial understanding of the telecommunications infrastructure which will need to be constructed; creating a high level plan (technical requirements and timeline) for developing that infrastructure; identifying any obstacles or issues in constructing the infrastructure, and; providing budgetary cost estimates for the Nzadi Cable System. WFN Strategies will then accomplish with The Nzadi Consortium the Nzadi Cable System the management of procurement and implementation activities.
The social potential of the new system is tremendous. According to the Nzadi Cable System’s Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Domingos Coelho, “Project is committed to using as much local content as possible thereby benefitting local businesses that qualify for the provision of the civil works on the dry plant side in the Luanda, Soyo and Cabinda provinces of Angola. In the mid- to long-term services are expected to be contracted to local businesses for the provision of water, power, infrastructure security, dry plant maintenance services, as well as direct employment for predominantly young professional from said locations who will be required to operate and administer the subsea network.”
“Moreover, other conventional Telecommunications Operators and Internet Service Providers operating in Angola will be invited to participate in co-funding and co-building the future system, thereby reducing investment and operating costs, risks and enabling the provision of higher quality services at significantly more affordable prices to end-users in what are expected to be newly connected and previously underserved regions of the country,” Coelho added. “As such the project sponsors view themselves as active and engaged social partners to the Angolan Government’s efforts of re-launching and developing the national economy and protecting the local environment. Furthermore, the Nzadi Cable System may potentially evolve beyond its primary objective of providing high capacity, low latency and highly reliable offshore connectivity to become an expanded regional network connecting Angola to the neighboring Republic of Congo and Democratic Republic of the Congo”.
“We are excited to be working again in Angola, this time with The Nzadi Consortium in support of the Nzadi submarine cable project, said WFN Strategies Managing Director, Wayne Nielsen. We look forward to supporting this new system and its goal of enhancing connectivity to various offshore energy assets, as well as its neighbors beyond.”
About The Nzadi Consortium
The Nzadi Cable System Project is sponsored by The Nzadi Consortium, a joint initiative of two wholly owned and recently created Angolan special purpose vehicles (SPV) – Kakike, Lda. and KumoxiCom, Lda. – specializing in accounting, investment fund management and business asset management, and in telecommunications project management, building, operating, administrating and maintaining passive telecommunications networks, respectively.
About WFN Strategies
WFN Strategies, LLC ( plans, designs, engineers and implements submarine optical cable systems for commercial, governmental and offshore energy clients throughout the world, which have utilized repeatered and unrepeatered technologies, and have been transoceanic, regional, or festoon in scope. WFN Strategies possesses an ISO 9001:2015 accredited management system and ISO 27001:2013 InfoSec program for the implementation of submarine fiber cable systems, as well as is a recipient of President’s “E” Award for Exports. WFN Strategies has been involved with all aspects of implementing telecommunications systems and Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) – from feasibility studies through capital budgeting to engineering, purchasing, and installation to commissioning & testing.