Welcome to Issue 126, our Offshore Energy edition, featuring Evolving Subsea Technologies!

September 19, 2022

Finding Winston

Peg and I traveled to England this summer, stayed in our village with friends in the New Forest, played tourists in London, and had an awesome long-awaited visit. Our friends arranged tickets to Blenheim Palace where my personal hero Churchill was prematurely borne 148 years ago. After spending the day touring the home and grounds, we found ourselves down the road a few miles to a small church in a nearby village where among others his father, Randolph, and immediate family were buried, including Winston and wife Clementine. I must admit I had assumed he would be buried in some more auspicious location like Westminster, but instead in the end he had chosen to lie simply with his family in Oxfordshire. I am reminded of that scene from “The Darkest Hour” when he is talking with FDR in his ‘WC’ on an encrypted phone transmitted via radio waves and am in awe of what a cool and important industry we support.

And with the recent passing of Queen Elizabeth II, I am reminded anew of how much an individual can indeed shape the world in so many positive ways.

11th Annual Industry Report

The analysts here are busy writing and graphing their way towards our 11th annual edition of the Submarine Cable Industry Report, which will be published in October. We are in the process of reaching out to industry experts and doers and adding their comments and thoughts as available. A lot has happened in the last year and a lot will be happening going forward; so, we are excited to see where things will end up in the report. Keep your eye out for it next month…

Yearly Industry Sentiment Survey

We are also accomplishing our annual industry sentiment survey, which is embedded in this issue and on our website, the results of which will be highlighted in our upcoming Industry Report. We are interested to know your current perception of the submarine telecoms industry, including its overall state, market activity, project status, industry investment and regional activity. We hope the results will continue to be a barometer, albeit imperfect, of future industry activity.

Please do participate in the survey, which is linked below:

Take the Survey Now!

Singapore Recap

It was thrilling and wonderful to see so many industry friends last week at SNW, and yes, it was incredibly useful to talk and catch-up in person about current and future projects. I had a marvelous dinner with Julian, Laurent and Kristian following the Ciena reception at Raffles Long Bar where we talked not about business, but instead about our families, how we had all fared over the last many months, our aspirations for the evolving future and so on – it was a most memorable and special evening with old friends.

Conference Previews

Starting with November’s issue, we will be accomplishing from time to time previews of future industry conferences, the first being PTC ’23 in January. We plan to talk about conference content related to submarine cables, as well as speakers that might be of interest. We are re-engaging as an industry, have a number of related conferences in the offing, and want to support them as best we can.

2023 Submarine Cable Map

Work has also already begun on our printed Submarine Cable Map, which will be distributed at PTC ’23 then mailed globally thereafter. We have some great add-ons in mind, which will show nicely with the busy world we work.

SubTel Forum’s Submarine Cable Map is coming once again to a wall near you.

Thanks to Authors and Advertisers

Thank you especially to the excellent Authors who have contributed to this edition! Thanks also for their support to this issue’s advertisers. Of course, our ever popular “where in the world are all those pesky cableships” is included as well.

Thank you as always to our readers and supporters for honoring us with your interest.

With closing thoughts on the situation in Ukraine, let me quote Churchill’s marvelous words: “This is not the end, this is not even the beginning of the end, this is just perhaps the end of the beginning.”

In a world full of Putins, be a Zelenskyy. #Ukraine

Happy reading and stay well,


Wayne Nielsen, Publisher