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We Deliver World Class Quality of Service

At WFN Strategies, we deliver world-class quality of service without the premium price tag. With over two decades of consulting experience connecting the world through submarine fiber optic, power, and hybrid cable systems, we provide cost-effective solutions that support projects at any stage from planning to commissioning. Our qualified experts support commercial, governmental, and offshore energy companies throughout the world.

Utilizing our ISO certified management systems, we analyze and advocate sustainable energy alternatives for clients’ submarine cables to ensure we contribute to the global effort to slow climate change.

Industry Leading Accreditations

WFN Strategies is an accredited, industry-leading consultancy specializing in the planning, procurement, and implementation of submarine cable systems.

The WFN Advantage

We understand the cable system’s life cycle from concept to reality and provide experienced support without compromising quality or value.

PM 2.0 Project Dashboards

  • Advanced Management
  • Secure 24/7 Access
  • Effective Collaboration


  • Engineering & Design
  • Procurement & Contracting
  • Implementation & Management

Industry Experience

  • 191 Completed Telecoms Projects
  • 109 International Clients
  • 34 Inter-Platform Systems

What Our Clients Have to Say

"WFN brought deep professionalism and experience to the project and ensured the lender was given insight and comfort around all aspects of a complex project." Laurie Miller, President and CEO
Southern Cross Cable Network
"We have a long-standing relationship with WFN that works very well and is a testament to the quality of the services we have received." Laurent Le Breton, CFO
BW Digital Limited
"We are pleased to formally kick off the Leif Erikson project together with WFN. We are dedicated to our vision – racing to bring sustainable infrastructure to a global audience, and the Leif Erikson project is an important enabler for continued growth in clean, green, and sustainable data processing." Peder Nærbø, Founder & Executive Chair
Bulk Fiber Networks AS
"WFN provided strong technical expertise and also commercial knowledge to Desarrollo Pais. WFN was professional and expert in their knowledge and accomplished successfully and efficiently what was required in our Humboldt submarine cable project." Natalia López, Digital Project Manager
Desarrollo Pais
"TMG has successfully partnered with WFN Strategies to deliver consulting projects over the last several years. WFN brings deep submarine cable industry expertise and technical knowledge to the table, consistently producing high-quality analysis and insights to meet client’s needs. We look forward to continuing collaborating with Wayne and his team on many projects in the coming years." Daniel Leza, Vice President
TMG Telecom
"Having worked with WFN Strategies across multiple projects over 15 years, it has consistently demonstrated exceptional expertise and dedication ... significantly contributing to the success of these projects and proving its leadership in the submarine cable industry." Oldemiro Napoleão, CTO, Nzadi Consortium "APTelecom has had the pleasure of working with WFN Strategies and would highly recommend the team at WFN Strategies.  From start to finish the team is professional and can assist any client to meet the needs in the submarine cable space." Eric R. Handa, CEO & Co-Founder